I’m so glad I set my deadlines so far away for my edit-in-progress! Considering how things went the last time, I think I knew I’d need some extra time to get all my shit together.
Editing progress
I’m through chapter four, but I need to go back to three to include some physical descriptions which I always conveniently forget. Once I do that, I think I may need a week or two off.
Chapter four is haunting me. It’s too short, about 2,000 words shorter than my other chapters at their shortest, but I feel like the information in it still needs to be in the story somewhere. I’m considering moving it and combining it with another chapter later on in the story–it needs to be in there, but the information doesn’t need to come up now, after the third chapter.
Chapter three is still on my mind, too. I think it’s good, but I’m debating whether I should set it as the opening chapter. As it is, my main character doesn’t appear until this chapter, and I’ve had some (potentially unreliable) feedback that my first chapter is boring because it’s got too much narration and exposition and very little action. Chapter three has more action, and I do want readers to recognize that this character is the main one to follow, but I’ll have to think about it some more. Figure out which chapter makes most sense, and makes the most impact, by coming first.
Considering I barreled through Chapters Three and Four, I’m feeling a little burned out. I started reading Chapter Five, and I kept skipping ahead. Partially because I want to rewrite a lot of it, but partially because I couldn’t stay focused long enough to correct the minor stuff that will probably ending up staying.
With that, I think it’s time for a hiatus on the editing. I may shift gears for a little bit into Nano-planning, which I’m desperately looking forward to! Or considering it’s Fall Premiere Season, I may shift my focus to my television and movie review blog for a while. I’ve got a major redesign and content transfer to work on for the site itself, and then I’ve got plenty of new shows to check out and recap over the next few weeks!
- Two more chapters down (for the most part)
- Rewrote chapter four
- Added 1,500 words
In other news
As I mentioned, it’s Fall Premiere Season! If you love television like I do, you’ve already got a list of the new shows you want to check out. Keep up with me at happytoentertain.blogspot.com, one of my other numerous blogs, to get recaps, talk TV and movies, and nerd out in general :) I post under “Constant Writer” over there, but it’s still me! If you’re on Google +, make sure to add me to your circles!
And, I’m sure you’ve all seen the news or Twitter, or the internet, and you know that Colorado just endured a crazy flood period for the past few days. I was lucky – my house, office, and commute-path didn’t get flooded. It did rain A LOT, though. There are plenty of people who were not so lucky. I have a few friends around the state who got flooded, lost power, lost sewage, and the roads, bridges, and morale in general are a little worse for wear. We’re holding up, but I think most of us are just grateful that the skies seem to be clearing up for the moment.
Last but not least, I went to the Scottish and Highlands Festival a couple weekends ago, just before the entire town of Estes Park became submerged last week. Some piccies to indulge my love for cultural fairs :)

Don’t forget!
If you want to get in on the beta reading process for the new book, take a look at the blurb, check out what type of feedback I’m looking for, and contact me if you’re interested.
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